You are cordially invited to attend a parallel book launch in Amsterdam, Berlin, New York, Tokyo, etc. In Amsterdam, the doors will be open 5 – 9 PM local time, on 15. April 2022. Address: Budapest, Pesthuislaan, WG. Terrein, Amsterdam. Look for the signs! Enter through the garden. Climb the stairs behind the Buddha statue. If stairs are a problem there is a properly accessible door (and WC) from the other side, but you’ll probably need to contact folks to open it.
Do you remember the landscape of the Internet 10 years ago? (I don’t!) The Internet Yami-Ichi was born in Tokyo in 2012, and the year, 2022, is its 10th anniversary! In the past decade, 43 Yami-Ichis have been held in more than 30 cities (you didn’t know that, right?!). We have to download and save all those vaguely-remembered backstreet landscapes of the Internet before they disappear into the 404s! With this sense of mission, We chose a paper book as the destination for the download!
The title of the book is “A DECADE TO DOWNLOAD“ – * The book will be available in English only – * Online digital version is available for free – * Participants will be able to pre-order the book at a discounted price!
At Budapest’s request, not advertised on social media! Otherwise spread the word and apologies for eventual cross-posting!
The Limited Edition is available at the Standard Edition at or the Free Download at and