Category Archives: announcements

COOKIES, Misc Athens

!Mediengruppe Bitnik, BrowserBased, Yiannis Christidis, Clusterduck, Heather Dewey-Hagborg, Konstantin Economou, Yioula Hadjigeorgiou, Hypercomf, Vicky Pericleous, Sungsil Ryu, Zoe Samourka, Andreas Savva, E. Scourti, Nicos Synnos

Curated by: Foteini Vergidou, Co-Organised by: TILT Platform & M.A.M.A Contemporary, Venue: MISC Athens, 20 Tousa Mpotsari Str., Athens, Greece.
Duration: 18 December 2024 – 07 February 2025

Preference Management by Alex Zakkas, Martino Morandi and Zsolt Mesterhazy for BrowserBased.

#nfcdab 6, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2024.

Location 1, Servaes Noutstraat

Thanks to all!

Adrian Pickett, Andrea Roccioletti, Andreas Maria Jacobs, Angy Vardalou., Anna Pinkas, Anna Utopia Giordano, AK Ocol, Arash Joulandan, Ayshe Kizilçay – KiAy, Benna Gaean Maris, Bjørn Magnhildøen, Blazir, Bruce Barber, Bruno Melo, Bya de Paula, Dave Greber, Davey Whitcraft, Đurđija Vucinic, Elaine Crowe, James Hutchinson, Karl Heinz Jeron, Juli Laczko, Klaus Pinter, Marc Lee, Max Herman, Nico Vassilakis, Nicole Kouts, Oli Olinski, Osvaldo Cibils, Peter Kusek, Ricardo F. Bodini, Rudy Paganini – forevermidi_com, Shin Jungkyun, Stefanie Reling-Burns, Tiz Creel, Zsolt Mesterhazy, and #DUMPHAUS – Curated by Catalina Vallejos and Ronnie Karfiol – Artist: Featuring Deatxwish, Taiki Arita, Tiến Nguyễn, Trí Thiện, Lê Duy, Xuân Minh, Gia Huy, Flounder Lee, Martina Noskova, Idklang, Aaporia, Magdi Mostafa, Jialun Wang, Hiroshi Murakami, David Longshaw, Athina Kanellopoulous, Ioana & Pablo, The Mainstream Official, Oksana Rudko, Liu Chang, Chloe Cheuk, Kayoko Nakamura, Aleksei Martyniuk, Blanche The Vidiot, F.C. Zuke, Nina Sumarac, Giuseppe De Benedittis, Ania Urbanski, Contaminated Carcass, Jaimerative Art.

Organizers: #nfcdab – Dominik Podsiadly, noemata – Bjørn Magnhildøen, BrowserBased – Zsolt Mesterhazy.

Location 2, Jozef Israëlskade

next beginning

at Galerie Wundersee, Fürstenwall 124, Düsseldorf, Germany on 14.05.2022.

Artists: Alex Zakas, Ana Buigues, Benna Gaean Maris, Brian Khuu, Dominik Podsiadly, Felix Adam, Iza Koczanowska, Joubin Zargarbashi, Jovita Majewski, Juli Laczko, Klara Landwehr, Konstantina Mavridou, Mirosław Chudy, Noemata,, Patrick Lichty, tzcha.tez, Xavier Dallet.

Many thanks to and!

The Internet Yami-Ichi 10th Year Anniversary Book Launch

flyer by Joubin Zargarbashi

You are cordially invited to attend a parallel book launch in Amsterdam, Berlin, New York, Tokyo, etc. In Amsterdam, the doors will be open 5 – 9 PM local time, on 15. April 2022. Address: Budapest, Pesthuislaan, WG. Terrein, Amsterdam. Look for the signs! Enter through the garden. Climb the stairs behind the Buddha statue. If stairs are a problem there is a properly accessible door (and WC) from the other side, but you’ll probably need to contact folks to open it.


Do you remember the landscape of the Internet 10 years ago? (I don’t!) The Internet Yami-Ichi was born in Tokyo in 2012, and the year, 2022, is its 10th anniversary! In the past decade, 43 Yami-Ichis have been held in more than 30 cities (you didn’t know that, right?!). We have to download and save all those vaguely-remembered backstreet landscapes of the Internet before they disappear into the 404s! With this sense of mission, We chose a paper book as the destination for the download!

The title of the book is “A DECADE TO DOWNLOAD“ – * The book will be available in English only – * Online digital version is available for free – * Participants will be able to pre-order the book at a discounted price!

At Budapest’s request, not advertised on social media! Otherwise spread the word and apologies for eventual cross-posting!

The Limited Edition is available at the Standard Edition at or the Free Download at and

The Burrow

The Burrow is a pav­il­ion of The Wrong Bien­nale (Nov 2019 – Mar 2020), en­vision­ing the inter­net as myriads of inter­twin­ing under­ground tun­nels; where places of ref­uge co­incide with the secret bases of those must be hidden from. The show was curated by Aad Björkro and is a sibling of the Very Large Works pavilion by Bjørn Magn­hild­øen and Zsolt Mester­hazy.

Inspired by aard­varks, who will dig to escape when threat­ened, and leave their burr­ows for others to use when relo­cating. The aard­vark reminds us to think with our claws. No one expects us to dig when they force us to move; still in com­pli­ance but keep­ing our place. Then we can tickle the feet of our oppres­sors as they try to pass.

Emerged in the tunnels we tried to listen to those who must never speak, look for things we have lost and spy on the spies spying on us. For display we gathered rel­ics from our past, expan­sions of the hidden, con­nect­ions to the else­where and lessons for the future. We are now glad to invite you to see what we have found.

The exhib­it­ion con­sists of 25 individual works by 27 parti­ci­pa­ting art­ists:
Isabelle Arvers, Johannes Birringer, Brad Brace, Yu Cai,, Ursula Endlicher, Antje Feger, Sophie Fields, Benna Gaean Maris, Fabian Heller, Garrett Lynch IRL, Amelia Marzec, Luis Mercado, Zsolt Mesterhazy, Joseph Moore, Abe Morrison, Stefanie Reling-Burns, ronnie s, Ausín Sáinz, Alan Sondheim, Y Divya Sri, Benjamin Stumpf, Pall Thayer, Juergen Trautwein, Angelika Vardalou, ( ), Almond Yeggs

Very Large Works

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VERY LARGE WORKS is an online show organised by, as a pavilion of new digital art biennale (Nov 2019 – Mar 2020) curated by Bjørn Magnhildøen and Zsolt Mesterhazy.

The exhibition contains platforms for open and collaborative works, in addition to individual works. 76 artists participate (including The Burrow), with 43 more taking part in the discussions (see bottom):

Bruce Barber, Domenico Barra, Peter Basma-Lord, Lavoslava Bencic, Lawrence Bird, Johannes Birringer, Aad Björkro, Brad Brace, The Burrow (Platform), Samuel Brzeski, Chris Byrne, Christian Bøen (Termodress), Joana Chicau, Ludovic Coutinho, Cyborg Art Collective Cyborg Matrix (Platform), Antonela Debiasi, Y.Divya Sri, #DUMPHAUS (Platform), Dave Evans, Luca Forcucci, Benna Gaean Maris, Edoardo Gaudieri, Ben Grosser, Gottfried Haider, Max Herman, James A. Hutchinson, Hypercollective Autobiography (Platform),, Karl Heinz Jeron, Cyrus LK, Nicole Kouts, Erica Lapadat-Janzen, Joseph Moore. Rubén Möller, Novi Otten Erytryalsilani, Karina Palosi, Dominik Podsiadly, Julian Priest, Stefanie Reling, Anthony Robinson, João Rocha, Letta Shtohryn, Chan SomethingStar, Alan Sondheim, The Sunderland Pavilion (Time tunnel), Daniel Temkin, Pall Thayer, Elle Thorkveld, Jurgen Trautwein, A.P. Vague, Catalina Vallejos, Angelika Vardalou, Stephanie Vella, The VteX Files (Platform), Roland Wegerer, Neale Willis, White Page Gallery (Platform)

From The Burrow:

Isabelle Arvers, Basel Embassy (Tunnel), Aad Björkro, Yu Cai, DISNOVATION.ORG, Ursula Endlicher, Antje Feger & Benjamin F. Stumpf, Sophie Fields, Benna Gaean Maris, Fabian Heller, Garrett Lynch irl, Amelia Marzec and Abe Morrison, MEGALITH (Tunnel), Luis Mercado, Zsolt Mesterhazy, Joseph Moore, NETARTFORSTORAGE (Tunnel), Stefanie Reling, ronnie s, Ausín Sáinz, Pall Thayer, Jurgen Trautwein, Angelika Vardalou, Almond Yeggs 


Closed open call, and background:
Working sheet pad:

Part of new digital art biennale